Sunday, March 2, 2008

Locked myself out

有一次我走出門外,把屋門一拉關上时,在外做了一件事后,轉動門把要開門时,才發現内門把是已按銷上的!啊我可没帶銷匙在身上哦!这下可慘了没人在家里開門给我進去,外边的天氣是 43F 7C),而我在家里时是穿著長袍没穿暖衣。心想唯有找電话打给 Steve,看看週圍的住家,向他们借電话去吧后屋的住家关上窗布似乎没人在家,我走去右鄰按門玲卻没人反应正不知如何是好时,看到屋后的人家駕車進她的車房,高兴得趕快跑去蘺芭,一看她下車,就叫住她,跟她说明原因后,她把手提遞给我打了電话感謝她后(我很不好意思接受她邀请我進去她家等侯,我在通風的小室等 Steve 回來,邊等邊跺腳


Once, I went out and pulled the house’s door closed. After I did something and tried to turn the door handle, I found that it was locked from the inside! Ah…I didn’t bring the key with me! This is bad…nobody in the house to open the door for me and it was a cool 47F (7C) outside. I was wearing a robe but not a jacket. I looked for our neighbors as I needed to find a phone call to Steve… the house behind our back yard looked like nobody was home because their curtains were closed up. So I walked to another one and rang their doorbell but nobody responded… When I didn’t know what to do next, I saw a car coming back to the garage of the one behind ours. I was happy and ran to the fence, called to her once she got out from car. I told her what happened and she passed me her cell phone… After I thanked her (she invited me to wait in her house but I declined as I didn’t want to bother her), I was waiting for Steve on the patio. I was stomping while waiting…

Have you ever locked yourself outside somewhere? This was really frustrating! Stomping is a kind of emotional reaction. I was stomping because it was…cold!


Anonymous said...

我也有类似的经验, 还好马来西亚的天气是暖暖的. CA

eHeart said...

