Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Couldn't take away

马来西亞大选激动過后的两、三天內,從新聞读到两位不同身份人物的死訊,一位是白小保校工委会主席熊玉生先生,另一位是前任巴生港口州议员豪宅议员查卡利亚Zakaria Md Deros)。

熊玉生死了,五百人泣送熊玉生最后一程灵车驶入白小原校完成遗志 他抗争长达8年的白沙罗华文小学(白小)重开原校。受到表揚喻为有的人死了,他还活着。


Within a few days after the excitement of the election in Malaysia, I read news about two different kinds of people who died. One is Mr. Xiong, the ‘SOS Damansara’ Action Committee Chairman (Damansara is the name of a public Chinese primary school). The other is former Klang (a city in Malaysia) municipal councilor, Zakaria Md Deros, who owned a ‘virtual "istana" (palace)’.

When Xiong died, ‘five hundred people attended Xiong’s funeral and the hearse entered into the original Chinese primary school to finish his unfulfilled dream’. He had been fighting to reopen the original SJKC Damansara school for the past 8 years. He is also praised as ‘he is still alive, even after he has died’.

Before Zakaria died, ‘Zakaria Deros of 'istana infamy', he had a run-in with the law for not submitting building plans for his mansion, which was described as a virtual istana (palace) by his critics.’ I don’t know what people thought about him, however, I think he definitely couldn’t take away a cent, including his mansion, with him!

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