Tuesday, November 27, 2007

We will be back right after this...

當我聽某人说可以靠自己的纲站,就可賺錢為生時哗!我的眼睛睜得大大的 $$$$... BOLEH(真的能嗎)?一个月是否有四位数呢?

我偶爾心癢癢会去查一查我的 Google 户口,每次看着'賺'了的錢唉!平均一天约 US$0.17,有不少天是零蛋的!已有幾个月了,但就是还没到一百美元囉!幾時才能收到第一張支票呢?如要靠寫 blog 為生,那就会成為窮 blog 生了,嗚呼哀哉!

當我们看电視的連續剧或一个節目,看到精采時,連續剧的昼面突然跳去商业昼面或者主持節目人就会说﹕ 请别走开,廣告之后我们繼續…”

我在想我寫 blog 時,是否也可用這招呢?可能我寫到一半,接着就寫


When someone told me that to build a website that could generate income… Wow! My eyes opened widely $$$$... BOLEH (Really can do it)? Would it generate four figures per month?

Sometimes, I go to check my Google account and I see the earnings every time… Emm! The average is about US$0.17 per day, many days were zero! It’s already been a few months, but I still haven’t reached US$100! When will I receive the first check? If I depend on the income from writing a blog, I will be a struggling blog author, sigh!

When we are watching a game show or series on TV and it just so excellent, but suddenly the serial show jumps to a commercial… Or the host of game show will say, “Please don’t leave the TV, we will be back right after this…”

I just think, is it possible for me to do this too while writing my blog? Perhaps, if I write only half a post then write…

If you want to read the rest, it will be continued after you go to the advertisement links!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha ha it won't work this way. When you write articles, there are keywords that advertisers pay for them. It means certain articles have more higher paying advertisements while some only a bit. Readers will only click advertisement when they want to know more from the ad that interest them.
Not many will click, that is why you need more traffic to read your blog so that a very small percentage (maybe 1%) will click.
Stay focus and enjoy writing your blog.
