Sunday, November 18, 2007

Curry Mee

咖哩麵是其中一種深受 Penang 人喜爱的食物
纽约的朋友 Y 寄了INA 牌子的咖哩麵给我,是马來西亞产品。我在 Penang 時吃過其它牌子的咖哩快熟麵,但没吃过像'咖哩麵'的,也未曾看過 INA 的牌子。除了加海鲜菜类,我原用这包麵的醬配料煮出一碗咖哩麵。味道还好,有點接近,是我吃过咖哩快熟麵最好吃的牌子。不過在我们的地区却找不到有店卖这牌子的咖哩麵!
Steve 不爱麵条类他吃我昨天煮了过剩的电鍋煲(应用瓦煲)腊肉飯。

Curry Mee (Noodle) is one of the hawker foods that are popular in Penang

My friend, Y in New York sent me curry mee (INA brand). It is a Malaysia product. When I was in Penang, I ate a couple of brands of instant curry mee, but I never found one that tasted like ‘curry mee’. I never saw the INA brand in Penang. I cooked it with the original sauces from the noodle package, and I added some seafood and vegetables. The taste is closer and good; this is the best among the brands of instant curry mee I’ve eaten. However, I can’t find this brand at the stores in our area that sell curry mee!

Steve doesn’t like noodles very much… He is eating Chinese sausage rice made in the rice cooker (should use clay pot) that I cooked and was left over from yesterday.

17.11.07 晴冷

1 comment:

墨鱼 said...

