Thursday, January 3, 2008

Two layers of door

馬來西亞的店或房屋,一般也都是有两层的门。房屋的门设计,通常外层是鉄栏门,(攝于槟城 Photo taken in Penang)内层是木(或金屬)门,(攝于马六甲 Photo taken in Malacca)两层门是為了避免賊撬进店内或屋内不做鉄栏门好像就不能住人,不过賊要进,怎样也可撬进,管它是什么鉄栏门那这么说到底要不要装鉄门呢?每个人都装當然要装啦,不能鹤立雞群嘛!(某友攝于槟城 Photo taken by a friend in Penang)
Steve 感到奇怪為何槟城的房屋门像牢门!

Normally, shops and houses here have two layers of door. The doors for a house have an outer door that is glass and the second, inner door that is wood (or metal). Shops and houses can avoid wind blowing inside with two layers of door…

Normally, shops and houses in Malaysia also have two layers of door. The doors for a house have an outer door that is always iron bars, and a second, inner door made of wood (or metal). It is supposed to prevent thieves from prying into the shop or house… If it does not have iron bars, it is not suitable for living in. Nevertheless, even with strong iron bars, sometimes thieves can still get in if they really want to get in… So, I wonder if it needs to have iron bars or not? However, everybody else installs them so then you do too, as we couldn’t stand alone!

Steve felt strange because the doors in Penang houses look like jail doors!


Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that you even commented the doors structures of Malaysia and US. If you are knowledgeable enough, you should do a research on why the structures of houses of different climates differ.
As you husband and your comments, sorry to say, are rather ignorant. I think I don't want to give a lecture on the different designs and architecture of houses of different parts of the world. If you have tried to understand more, then I think your writing would be more pleasant to read.

eHeart said...

I may guess who you are, but if you are a friend, don't always take things so seriously... Sometimes, we are just joking. What I posted are just my first impressions of differences and all are my personal thoughts. All of these articles are just for sharing with others.
Anyway, sorry if my writing annoys you.

Anonymous said...

SinE's blog is refreshing and insightful. I read it regularly and recommend it to my friends. Keep it up, SinE. There's no need to apologize.

eHeart said...

Thanks for your recommendation.
