Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Chinese-Malaysians managed a few languages

When talking about languages, many Chinese-Malaysians can manage a few different languages. As for me, I grew up in a family speaking Teochew dialect, but speaking Hokkien dialect with local people in Penang. I watched Hong Kong movies in Cantonese on TV. I studied in a Chinese school with subjects in Chinese, English and Malay. We learned a few languages and we have some advantages…

If going to Indonesia, I can use Malay. If going to Thailand, I can speak Teochew with Chinese-Thai if I meet them. If going to Hong Kong and Macau, I understand Cantonese. If going to Taiwan, I can speak Hokkien and understand their Taiwanese (Hokkien and Taiwanese are close). If going to China, I can use Chinese. If going to Singapore, Nepal, Cambodia, Vietnam, and other countries, I can use English…

So, are Chinese-Malaysians talented in languages?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

