Saturday, December 1, 2007

Keep it up

通常若我知道朋友有 blog 文章或相片纲頁时,我一定到他们的纲頁游灠,而且若他们的纲頁能让我留言的话,我一定会写一两句给他们因為我体会当我喜欢与人分享时,而也收到別人的回应,即是只有一个字,那种欣喜是使我更有勁的願意分享更多

有位 s.j.simon 在我七月份的 ‘Chocolate Pie’文章留言(我设定我会收到 email 若有人在我的 blog 留言/comment),我很高兴虽然我不確定 s.j.simon 是谁,也不知是否认识。

有位朋友, Forest 给我的一段 email你把你的 blog 做得很好很多文章及内容丰富,继续加油。令我觉得很受鼓励。

Normally, if I know my friends have a blog or photo album on the web, I visit their site. And if their site will let me leave a message or comment, I will write one or two sentences to them… Because I realized that when I like to share something, and I get a response from people, even if it is just one word, I feel glad and it motivates me to share more…

I received a comment from s.j.simon in my July post of ‘Chocolate Pie’ (my blog is set so I receive email if someone posts a comment in my blog). I felt happy even though I am not sure who s.j.simon is.

My friend, Forest emailed me with a sentence, “you are doing very well with your blog...a lot of articles and rich in content, keep it up.” I felt encouraged.


Anonymous said...




eHeart said...

