Thursday, December 20, 2007

Hot cocoa with egg

Steve 说在冷天气喝一杯热可可最能取暖,他拿出牛奶及可可粉用鍋煮热可可。

通常亞洲人喝 Milo 之類,都是用热水冲泡,一杯热可可很快就在面前。我想到有人喝 Milo 加蛋是較特别要用热滾的水,我看他既然是用煮的方式,就对他说,我要加蛋的!他莫明其妙的看着我说,那有加蛋的,我不会,你自己煮吧!听來他对它很陌生。

Steve told me if I need something to drink to warm up in cold weather, hot cocoa is best. He took out milk and chocolate powder, and put them in pot to heat up.

Normally, Asians drink a chocolate powder drink like Milo (similar to Swiss Miss in the US); they just mix it with hot water. A cup of hot cocoa will be served immediately. I think if some people drink Milo with an added egg, it needs to use very hot boiled water. I saw him heating the milk, so I said, “I want to add an egg!” He didn’t understand and looked at me, “How can you add an egg, I don’t know and I’ll let you to do it!” It sounded very strange to him.


墨鱼 said...

心忆,MILO 或 KOKO 加蛋很补的!!通常玩健身的男人都会吃,你吃得这么补干嘛?应该教Steven多吃才对,哈哈。。。。

eHeart said...

