Friday, August 31, 2007

Worth the wait

(Sapa, Vietnam)

Sometimes I doubted when people talked about ‘predestined’… It is not that I didn’t understand the meaning; however, some people might think a situation is hopeless and make an excuse that it is ‘predestined’; or they might say, “If something is not ‘predestined’, then there’s no point to cracking my head.” It sounds like life is fate! I think we can put ‘seeds’ (causes) in every moment, and once the seeds meet the proper conditions…then we might deserve the ‘fruits’ (effects).

A friend knew that I am close to ‘middle aged’, but finally found my soulmate and got married … She thought I am a good example for those ladies already over age to marry but still single – Never give-up trying to find your soulmate.

I’ve really put effort into having a daily routine for the past couple of years – I sent a message to the universe every morning and I had a strong belief that my guardian would watch over me and arrange the right soulmate for me!

Steve and I had the same thought - we were already waiting for each other for a long time! I wrote my thoughts and shared it with friends at the end of last year. Perhaps, you missed it. That’s okay; I’ll share it with you now:

You, I, did not know

Who was I Where did I live in past life

What did I promise

Even though we hoped to meet again in next life

Yet to know

How long to wait

But since we met and fell in love

Just you and I knowing

It was worth the wait

It was great to meet

It is great because we grow and learn from each other

It was wonderful to fall in love

It is wonderful because we sincerely care for each other


Anonymous said...

Hey, enjoy in reading your blogs. Bravo!

Anonymous said...

That's beautiful, SinE! That's how I feel about how Chris and I met.
