Friday, May 2, 2008

Zoo talk

St. Louis的動物園没有什麼特别,好在你卻不須付入門票,但听說它的停車场是每輛車要付US$10,不過你可停車在附近的Forest Park,走幾步去動物園。這天,就去给動物們看看我和Steve

雄孔雀當街示愛,雌孔雀吊价 不理,雄孔雀再施展着渾身解數!


為什麼把我關在這里?” “有什麼不好呢?我們不須勞動就可享有長期飯票

去你的!我才不要,我宁可要自由。” “不要再嚷啦你看,至少這里蠻熱鬧的,可以看到很多穿不一樣衣服的動物

你真是的,這有什麼好玩?” “至少讓我們知道這些動物叫着啊,而且有不同國家、種類、顏色、体形樣貌等等。

啍!那些 常拿着相機拍我的裸体照,簡直侵犯動物權嘛,實在可惡!” “不要傻啦!裸体對我們來說是多麼自然的事。

那為什麼不给我們自然的生活呢?” “嗯?這我也不知道。

不知道?你還說我傻,你才笨啦!” “以后拍拖不要再說這課題了,好不好?

不說這那要說什麼?還不去看送食物來了沒…” “…”

There is nothing special in the St. Louis Zoo, but you don’t have to pay an entrance fee. We heard someone say that the parking fee on the pay lot is US$10, but you can park free anywhere else in Forest Park and walk a little to there. Once, Steve and I went there to let those animals see us.

A peacock showing his love to a peahen in a street, but she is ignoring him. So he is still trying hard to show off all his skills!

A couple of leopards ‘dating’…

“Ah…why are we locked up in here?” “What did we do? We don’t need to work but have all our meals provided!”

“Damn you! I’d rather have freedom instead.” “Stop yelling…you see, its fun, at least we get to see some other ‘animals’ wearing their different clothes around here!”

“Huh, why do you think it’s exciting?” “At least we get to see these animals called ‘human’ which are from different countries, types, colors, shapes, etc.”

“Shh! Those ‘humans’ like to carry a camera and shoot my naked photos – it’s an offence to ‘animal rights’. They are mean!” “Don’t be silly! This is nature, so we are naked.”

“So why doesn’t anyone allow us out in nature?” “Emm? I also don’t know.”

“You don’t know? And you say I’m silly. You are foolish!” “Ya… next time we don’t talk about this topic again, ok?”

“If we don’t talk about this topic then what else shall we talk about? Let’s go and see if the food has been delivered or not…” “Ahhh…”

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