Thursday, May 22, 2008

Loh mai kai or bak chang?

馬來西亞的點心茶樓,一定可以吃到 loh mai kai(糯米雞)。Loh mai kai(廣東話kai即是雞),當然是有雞肉,然后其它可放臘腸、香菇的,放在小碗蒸熟。

我家人在端午節時,會做bak chang(肉粽)來祭節。Bak chang也是用糯米,福建話bak即是肉,但通常是有肥豬肉及鹽鴨蛋黃、蝦米、香菇的,包裹在竹葉蒸熟。

我没有買竹葉,但我的糯米是有肥豬肉、臘腸、鹽鴨蛋黃、蝦米的。也不知道應該是loh mai kai還是bak chang?管它是什麼,好吃就好!

You can easily get ‘loh mai kai’ (chicken & glutinous rice) at any dim sum restaurant in Malaysia. Of course loh mai kai (kai in Cantonese means chicken) should have chicken, Chinese sausage, and mushroom. Then put them in a small bowl and steam it.

My family always made ‘bak chang’ (glutinous/sweet rice dumpling) for the rice dumpling festival, called ‘duan wu jie’ in Mandarin, on the 5th day of the fifth lunar month. In bak chang (bak in Hokkien means meat) they normally use pork, with salted duck egg yolk, dried shrimp, and dried mushroom. Then wrap them in a bamboo leaf to form a dumpling, and steam it.

I didn’t buy dried bamboo leaf, but I made glutinous rice with pork, Chinese sausage, salted duck egg yolk and dried shrimp. I don’t know; should I call it loh mai kai or bak chang? I don’t care about this, as long as it is tasty!

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