Tuesday, October 30, 2007


如果每一顆樹就等於一個人,你認為这世界,人多還是樹多? 我問 Steve樹!

When I am watching nature, I enjoy seeing trees…the same as I enjoy seeing a person. They all are unique and you never find two trees the same!

“If a tree is equal to a person, which do you think there are more of in the world, people or trees?” I asked Steve. “Trees!”

The scent of autumn getting heavy, some of the leaves are changing to red or orange or yellow… Falling on the ground… Did the leaf want to leave the tree? Or the tree didn’t want to keep the leaf?

The leaf might need the tree because it will lose its glorious life after leaving its tree! The tree with its many leaves… Ah, tree! Do you care when one of your leaves falls?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

好美的风景, 第一次迎接秋天的感觉如何? 以前的我, 就喜欢带有秋意的季节:) 振安
