Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Unconditional acceptance

一位心理輔導義工的朋友和我分享﹕“…接到我在四五年前所接的第一个面谈个案的电话. 从对话中, 我看到了她的积极, 她的成长; 这一些都让我感到非常的感动. 回想起来当时三个多月密集的接案历程, 无可否认, 那是一个我有始以来最棘手的一个案件. 当中的挫折, 迷失, 跌倒; 到战战兢兢的爬了起来, 很感谢她不曾放弃过她自己, 当然这也包括了我这一只菜鸟. 这案件对我而言是一份礼物. 我经历过数次的瓶颈, 当基本助人技巧用完过后, 我会问自己; what is the next move? (接下來要如何?).... 在那个时候, 很感谢尤美介绍了两本书给我. 我一边看书, 一边拿自己来做试验’; 再小心翼翼的运用于助人历程里. 那就是后期一些伙伴们所看到的内在小孩’, 一条引导回家的路, 朝向内在整合的历程. 深深的祝福你, 我的个案. 也许你不知道, 因为你让我更有能力帮了接下来的许许多多的个案.”





One of my friends, a counseling volunteer, shared with me: “…I received a call from my first face-to-face counseling client from four or five years ago. I noticed during our conversation that she was glowing and optimistic; this touched me. I remembered that time; it was during three months of intensive counseling sessions. However, I couldn’t deny that until now that case was the most difficult for me to handle. Feeling frustration, lost and stumbling; trembling with fear until we could finally stand up in the counseling process. I am thankful she didn’t give up on herself, and me, a new counseling helper in face to face counseling as well. This case was like a ‘gift’ to me. I felt something like a ‘writer’s block’ sometimes. When, after using all of the basic counseling skills, I would ask myself: what is the next move?... At that time, I appreciated UM, who introduced me to two books. I used myself as a ‘test subject’ for the techniques in the books, and I used it carefully (in the case). This was the starting point of my learning about theinner child’ concept; a process to lead the person ‘home’ and for inner integration. My client, I would bless you. Perhaps you don’t know, but because of you I have more ability to face many cases.”

I always appreciated this friend; he put many hours learning and working hard as a counseling volunteer. I feel happy he shared this and would like to share something too with all of my volunteer friends:

Of course, as a counselor or volunteer helping others, we feel encouraged when our clients don’t give up on themselves and keep their spirits up. I didn’t think counseling work could get ‘writer’s block’, like a writer or artist. If you said it was ‘writer’s block’, I prefer to say we were stuck by our own issues. I think that the reason is because as a helper, we shouldn’t have any expectations in the counseling process. We never finish using the counseling skills at all, and still do not have enough expertise at the level of unconditional acceptance as psychotherapists…

How do you feel that helping others is not tiring and hard work? The helper always needs to continuously learn self-awareness and self-growth.

In fact, I always think it was not helping others but helping myself when learning to counsel others!


Anonymous said...

Hi Sin Ee,

I am not sure you still remember this friend from Singapore Yeo Thiang Swee. This is the first time I visit your blog. Glad to know that you are happily married and now a USA citizen or green card holder!

Warmest regards,

Thiang Swee

eHeart said...

Hi Thiang Swee,
Of course, I remember you, very kind and friendly.
