Sunday, September 16, 2007

Balloons race


其實我也不知道,只是從綱上告知﹕比賽開始時, Energizer 兔子氣球將先升空,然后其它参賽者帶着一包鳥食粒籽,他們的氣球就會升空追蹤 Energizer 兔子。看誰抛下的鳥食粒籽最接近 Energizer 兔子的降落位置,他就是贏者。



到底有多少粒氣球?Steve 像數星星般 數到 19 就混亂了我們有些不相信綱上說有 70 粒这么多 嘩!天空像掛着燈籠,又像眾星球在宇宙。啊!日蝕了。



Do you know how balloons race?

In fact, I didn’t know either, but we found it on the web: “The race begins when the Energizer Bunny Balloon takes off ahead of the pack. The ‘hound’ balloons then launch in pursuit. The balloon dropping a birdseed baggie closest to the Energizer Bunny Balloon will be declared the winner.”

This was a chance for companies to advertise their brands and products, by giving you free gifts…

Some people bring their kids; some people bring their dogs. We neither have kids nor dogs…

How many balloons will be flying? Steve counted them like counting stars, until 19 and he got confused… We didn’t believe they had as many as the 70 mentioned on the web… Wow! Looks like many lanterns hanging in the sky. Or looks like planets in the universe. Ah! It is an eclipse.

This balloon might have had a problem…and landed here…trying to fly again, hurry up!

We felt too tired and back home by commuter train.


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