Saturday, September 15, 2007

Balloons glow

這里出門須要看天氣,現是夏末,但這星期有幾天是很冷的,晚上可能约低于50F (10C) 。我們去Forest Park看大蒸氣球的前一晚開展。我帶着長袖外套,很多人也是不過有些却帶很多東西在草场picnic

這隻漂亮的狗,似乎是廣告明星這兔子大隻,肯定是廣告明星 上空三、四架直升機忙着工作



Here you need to check the weather if you want to go out. Now is the end of summer but some days this week will be cool; it already gets below 50F (10C) on some nights. We went to watch the Balloon glow last night in Forest Park. I brought my jacket, as most people did…but some of them brought many things…picnic on the field.

This dog is beautiful; it looks like an ad star… This rabbit is huge; it is definitely an ad star… Three or four helicopters were working in the sky…

The balloons were glowing. The balloons are made of nylon, so first they use a fan to blow air into the balloon. Then they use gas with fire to heat the air in it. The balloon tries to fly when the air inside is hot enough; Steve and a couple of adults helped to hold one down. This was not the time for flying yet...

We want to watch the balloons race this afternoon…


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