Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Recipe for Apom telur manis (Sweet Egg Pancake)

我終於找到Indian apomapam(有人叫它apom manis)的食譜,按其材料攪拌后我感覺太濃稠,試做出來的效果不像apom。我加了蛋和水,嗯這才像嘛,有蛋的味道才對啦!
這是我創意改良出來的成品食譜,就叫它apom telur manis (sweet egg pancake)

材料 - 可做9

粘米麵粉 150

濃椰漿 180豪升

乾酵母 1/2茶匙


幼糖 60

雞蛋(A級) 4



1 將所有材料放入碗攪拌成均勻,然后碗上蓋着毛巾讓它發酵約1小時.

2 用中上爐火烘熱小鑊或7吋半平底鍋,然后用布拈少許油搽鑊,舀入(1)材料约80豪升,旋轉鑊使材料到鑊邊,低爐火烘约2-3分鐘至到apom呈金黃色,用鏟刮离取出apom,重覆至做完。


Finally I found a recipe for Indian ‘apom/apam’ (pancake) - some people also call it apom manis (sweet pancake). The ingredients are rice flour, coconut milk, yeast, salt and sugar. I mixed them into a batter but I think it’s too thick and tried the first piece. It didn’t seem like apom. So I put eggs and a little water into the batter. Hmm…it should be like this with eggs and the taste is just right.

I came up with a recipe and call it ‘apom telur manis’ (sweet egg pancake):

Ingredients – Makes 9 pieces

· 150g rice flour

· 180ml coconut milk

· 1/2 tsp dried yeast

· 1/2 tsp salt

· 60g granulated sugar

· 4 large eggs

· 100ml water


Mix all ingredients together, strain into a smooth batter then cover with a clean tea towel and leave for 1 hour.
Heat a crepe pan (around 7 ½ inches) or a tiny wok over medium high heat. If it is not a non-stick pan/wok, lightly oil it. Pour about 1/3 cup (about 80ml) of batter and swirl it in the pan/wok so the batter coats the sides. Allow to cook for about 2-3 minutes over a gentle low heat, until the edges are light golden brown. Gently use a spatula to loosen the pancake from the pan/wok. Lift it out of the pan. Carefully wipe any remaining crumbs out of the pan, and continue the process with the rest of the batter.

Serve hot & crispy.

---My recipe blog link:

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Cause & Effect in Buddhism

星期天的靜坐班后,我們討論的課題是因果。有一成員說她聽到一個故事﹕有一壞人要加害一群人,其中一人甲為了要拯救所有的人,所以他殺了那壞人乙,過了幾世后,甲乙两人都投世而在同一世碰上時,甲卻被乙壞人殺了。另一成員講因果是很複雜的,若以佛教的角度看這個故事,雖然好人救了許多人种了善因,可能也得了好報(果),但殺了壞人也是惡因,所以也是一樣有果報。他聽到一個真實的事﹕有两人是同學,成績非常好的一位揶揄另一位說,你的成績不好…” 廿多年后,成績不好的那位,在公司徵聘職員時,見到是好成績同學的名字應徵信,記得廿多年前他說的話,即刻把他淘汰!




Last Sunday, after our meditation class, we had a discussion topic about ‘cause & effect in Buddhism’. One of the members said she heard a story: a bad guy wanted to harm a group of people. So one guy, A, from the group thought to save all of them, and he killed this bad guy, B. In a later life, after several rebirths, B killed A, when they met again. Another member said cause & effect is complicated. From Buddhism’s view of this story, even though the guy saved some good people and he might get some merit (effect), he still killed a person, so he will also get that effect too. This member heard a real story: two boys were classmates; one of them got excellent grades and ridiculed the other one, “Your grades are not so good…” Over twenty years later, the one who did not do as well was in a company looking at job candidates. When he read the resume of his former classmate, he still remembered that classmate’s words to him twenty years earlier, and he eliminated his former classmate from consideration!

Cause and effect are perfectly accurate and right in every detail, regardless of whether an action is intentional or unintentional…

Two years ago, Steve and I met a friend, CH, in Kuala Lumpur. We were having our dinner in a hawker food restaurant, when a guy dressed as a Chinese monk with an ‘alms bowl’ came to our table. Steve put his hand into his pocket trying to take out some money. I pressed his arm and shook my head. That guy noticed and walked away. After that I told Steve and CH that I had read some news reports about cases of fake ‘monks’ and ‘nuns’. When a real Hinayana Buddhist monk comes out with an alms bowl, they only want food, and it must be collected before lunchtime…

At that time, I was in a rational mind to stop Steve’s kindness. Now, I am worried and uneasy about what the effects will be of my unintentional actions? Ah…I need to repent!

Monday, April 28, 2008

Wasted time





Desire to eat Dynamic Creative Result

In order to satisfy the mouth’s desire, we need action. If you want to make/cook, it maybe takes a few hours to prepare a meal. However, the food goes into your mouth and takes only a few minutes to finish. Sometimes I wonder why I need to waste time cooking; whatever we eat goes into the stomach and will become the same in the toilet! In fact, besides the satisfaction of the mouth, some learning and creativity might happen during the process of preparing the food, knowing someone will appreciate the food. This process is also a kind of mental satisfaction! That’s why some people just like to cook, and enjoy when others appreciate his/her food. They are the same as an artist who enjoys making art and sharing it with others.

Thus, the desire to eat also can be an idea: Idea Dynamic Creative Result

Most important is to be dynamic. If you just dream but take no action, then it will stay at the original stage, but time will be wasted too!

Friday, April 25, 2008

People need to be encouraged






“People need to be encouraged!” said by Master Sheng-Yen. When I was in TLing’s center to help her library works, she played a CD of a public talk by Master Sheng-Yen. Master said, “Please give me some applause if you think my talk is good; not because I am vain, but because I need your encouragement” (I translated from Chinese). His words reminded me of a memory again…

Do you remember how old you were in your earliest memory? Do you believe that memories are stored in any part of your body? When your mind is still and the memories manifest around, they are like the scenes of a movie shown in your mind. Some just appear easily, but some you couldn’t find anymore, like they were immersed into a deep ocean.

Several years ago, I didn’t remember in what situation, a scene from my memories came suddenly. It was the stage when I was learning to walk…. I was standing, supported by something, and beside an adult’s legs. Above me it looked like there was a table (later I figured out it was a dining table), and the yellowish light from a bulb (an old type one), with some parts shadowed by the table, I slowly moved away from the support and walked for one or two steps. Suddenly, I was unstable and fell backwards with hands and legs in the air. It was noisy so the adults looked at me and I heard my mom say in Teochew dialect (she might have been talking to my brothers and sisters), “You see, she is so smart, knowing to tuck her head, so that she doesn’t hit it.” At that time, I really realized I was using energy to tuck my head. Then someone held me up…. Perhaps I wasn’t able to speak, but I just understood what my mom said and it was praise! So, this scene was captured in some part of my body. Several years later, it just popped up. Some scenes are still kept in my memory store when I had been praised by others for my excellence in a few subjects during school. Maybe all this praise is also one of the things that gave me self-confidence!

Thus, please don’t hesitate to encourage people around you. If you think my writing was good, please comment and give me your encouragement.

If even a renowned Master needs encouragement, then I need it too. People need to be encouraged!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

No apom, but ban chean kuih (pancake)

我很喜歡吃印度的apom,我回檳城時看到它,我買來吃也讓Steve試了幾口,他就對它印象深刻。這一天Steve談起apom,我說以前傳統的印度人賣的apom是用砂鍋,三幾個砂鍋在火炭上烘制apom,將一、两個鍋當蓋子,蓋子上面也可以放一點火炭,那賣apom的印度人須檢視apom的熟度將鍋蓋從這個鍋移到另一個鍋,就是蓋了這個后又得蓋另一個... 没完没了的,有如比喻不節制的人在遮蓋不斷冒出來的謊言或漏洞 ,或如捉襟見肘,顧此失彼!
不過我們有曼煎糕ban chean kuih or ban chang kuih)的recipe它是有放花生碎或其它餡料。我做了一塊有蛋和杏仁碎。雖然這次不是apom但能做ban chean kuih也蠻興奮的。

檳城人的一般觀念,曼煎糕又便宜又大塊是最經濟的早餐或點心糕。Steve學着我說福建話,“go pan ghee go tua te(又便宜又大塊)。哈哈!笑得我前俯后仰

I like Indian apom (pancake) so I bought it during our last trip to Penang. Steve tried a few bites and had a good impression of it. One day, we talked about apom, and I said the original ones the Indian hawkers used to sell were baked using a clay pot with charcoal. They have more than three pots and only one or two lids, with a little charcoal put in the lid. Then they need to check the heat of the apom, so they move the lid from one pot to another. They covered this one and then that one…. The action of moving endlessly, as a metaphor: an immoral person trying hard to use something to cover those ‘falsehoods’ being made constantly by him/her-self!

I think most of the apom hawkers changed to use tiny iron woks with gas instead, and several apom hawkers in Penang are Chinese. We tried to find a recipe online but haven’t found one yet.

However, we got a recipe for ‘ban chean kuih’ (slow-cooked pancake) – a type of pancake with fillings of ground peanuts, sugar and melted butter, or other fillings that you prefer. I made one with an egg and ground almond filling, even though we didn’t have apom this time, I was so excited to have ban chean kuih.

Generally, Penang people think ban chean kuih is an economical snack. Steve learned to pronounce ‘go pan ghee go tua te’ in Hokkien dialect (it means “so big and so cheap”) from me. Haha! I laughed loudly…

Apom telur manis recipe -

Monday, April 21, 2008

Songkran festival


有一些泰國食物是我喜歡的,就各買一點,一串satay一元两塊炸魚餅一元一塊roti(煎餅)兩元一盤pulut mango(芒果糯米飯)三元、两塊菜粿煎两元,不是泰幣呵

During the Thai New Year festival (celebration of Songkran) throwing water on people originated as a way to pay respect; but we didn’t see people throwing water at the Thai Wat (temple) here…. When people from one country emigrate to another, some of the customs will be weakened. I think it might be affected for many reasons!

I like a few Thai foods so I bought a few of them. A stick of satay is 1 buck, two fish cakes are 1 buck, a roti

(flatbread) is 2 bucks, a plate of glutinous rice with mango is 3 bucks and two pieces of fried veggie dumpling are 2 bucks, but not in Thai baht (buck) huh…

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Chai tau th'ng (daikon soup)

Chai tau th’ng(白蘿蔔湯)是其中一味湯餚,如根据我家人煮的chai tau th’ng是會放干魷魚,但我没有干魷魚,就放干貝這是我第一次煮chai tau th’ng

Several years ago, I used to have meals with my family. Besides a few dishes, we mostly had a hot soup for our dinner. Since my brother got married, my sister-in-law became a housewife took charge of cooking instead of my mom. I like the food she cooks and always force myself to leave the dining table since some family members still haven’t gotten their meal yet. Recently, I have definitely realized how much I enjoyed our family meals!

Chai tau th’ng (daikon or white radish soup) is one kind of soup we ate. When my family cooked chai tau th’ng, dried cuttlefish was one of the ingredients for the soup. I don’t have dried cuttlefish so I put in dried scallops instead…this is my first time cooking chai tau th’ng.

Steve only ate steamed rice with sesame oil, ginger and Chinese sausage, he said it was good.

*白蘿蔔湯食譜 Chai tau th'ng recipe -

Saturday, April 19, 2008

To respect each other



我記得在中學的一節歷史課時,華人老師問我,“Siapa boleh jadi Perdana Menteri, awak boleh kah(什麼人可以成為首相,你能嗎)? ,我不知究竟的回答說, “Boleh(能)。 班上的同學有人發出笑聲!我低下頭

(Photo taken in Kuala Lumpur)


Recently, the botanical garden was adding some new sculptures. When we saw this strange sculpture, Steve noticed the top has religious symbols…. A Buddha statue represents Buddhism; a cross represents Christianity; a Crescent and Star represents Islam and a Star of David represents Judaism. I looked at this art being here as meaning those main religions are on an equal footing in the USA!

In the USA, one of the presidential candidates is an African-American, Barack Obama (his father is Kenyan). Steve hopes he will win. If Obama wins then he will be the first African-American President!

I remembered when, during a history lesson in high school, my Chinese-Malaysian teacher asked me, “Who can be a Prime Minister, can you?” I was not sure but replied, “I can.” Some of my classmates laughed at me! I lowered my head…

In Malaysia, when talking about religious and racial issues, people will think these are sensitive issues that will raise emotions between religions and races. Ah…why is it so hard to respect each other? I am wondering when will it change?

Friday, April 18, 2008

A small earthquake

我睡得很沉,一個很輕的翻身,聽到Steve問,你感覺到嗎?” “什麼?” “輕微地震。可能震搖已過,我没感覺什麼,繼續睡了

早上醒來,Steve開電視,正好報導地震於4.37am的新聞。Steve去上班了,我慣常的上綱… 10.15am,我感覺两次搖震,雖然是輕微,但有点怕,我打電話给Steve,他說公司的同事正在大談這事放下電話前,他說,我試試看為你停止地震…”

I slept deep but when I turned a little bit I heard Steve ask me, “Did you feel that?” “What?” “A small earthquake.” Maybe it was gone already; I didn’t feel anything and continued sleeping…

After we woke up, Steve turned on TV and they reported about an earthquake at 4:37am. Steve went to work and I was online as normal…. A little after 10:15am, I felt two shakings. Even though it was minor it scared me, so I phoned Steve up. He said his office was noisy with colleagues talking about this…. Before we ended our conversation, he said kidding, “I will try to stop the earthquakes for you…”

Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Have you ever seen an ancient clock? We saw three different designs of sundials (ancient clocks) in the botanical garden…on a sundial, the time is read by looking where the sun’s shadow falls on the dial. The first one we saw, the time is around 1.45pm. We walked to another place and found this one around 2.15pm. And around 4pm we saw this one.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Wow…櫻花開放了!Steve不想讓我錯過,今天他特地提早下班帶我到botanical garden觀賞



Wow…cherry blossoms! Steve wanted me to see them so he came back home early from work today. We went to the botanical garden… You see…these bunches of heart shaped flowers from biggest to smallest are so cute!
Blossoms make our hearts burst with joy.

Monday, April 14, 2008

To cultivate




Sometimes I think I’ve really become lazy…lazy to write blog entries. And I think I don’t have anything exciting to share, so I don’t know what to write….

Hmm, let’s say we bought a grape bush last week and put it in a pot. I looked at the leaves growing gradually and wondering when we will have grapes from our plant.

We need to cultivate it; only then will we have a harvest!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Gasoline Age




The price of gasoline (petrol) in Malaysia is fixed and changes are decided by the government. Now, the price of unleaded gasoline (RON97) is RM1.92 per liter (about USD2.31 per gallon). The prices of things have been raised frequently in Malaysia. Even if the price of gasoline is raised only RM0.03 or RM0.05 per liter, it has a ripple effect. In this case, the cost of living for people will definitely rise again!

The price of gasoline in America is adjusting everyday based on the market. When I came to America last May, I noticed that the price of unleaded gasoline was below USD2.70 per gallon (3.7854 liter). Recently, it rises almost everyday; the price was USD3.39 per gallon yesterday.

We learned about the Stone Age from history books, but don’t know if the “Gasoline Age” will be in history books after a few centuries or not?

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Char Kway Kak (fried daikon cake)

炒粿角是我從小就喜歡吃的小食,記得我十岁左右,有一次大人給我零錢去買夜宵,我就去買了一包炒粿角。我看着那人在炒着賣给我的粿角看了很生氣!拿着我那包粿角回家,吃着粿角时,我還是氣,眼淚竟從我的眼睛流下來我哥姐問我為什麼哭,我很氣的說那人賣的粿角很小包(即是比其他人賣得貴,給的粿角數量很少),我哥姐也認為是很小包,但說我何必為了這而哭,他們的話讓我覺得有理但又覺得pai seh(難堪害羞)。從小到大我的眼淚都不常聽話,很強的喜怒哀樂都会牵引它出來

既然粿角是我愛吃的食物,那還不自己做來吃嗎?食譜裡有两種粿的制做,分别是有白蘿蔔及無白蘿蔔。我選擇做白蘿蔔粿 Steve帮我做粿。先煮熱至呈糊狀,然后蒸成粿,之后須冷放至少六小時,所以隔天我才炒粿角。想不到它很費時又多功啊,請拜托那位馬來西亞華人可否在這兒開一間檳城食物的餐館!


‘Char kway kak’ (fried daikon cake) is one of my favorite foods since I was a kid. I remember when I was around ten years old, an adult once gave me money to buy supper. So I went to order a char kway kak for carry out. I felt angry…when I saw that hawker who sold char kway kak to me! I brought the char kway kak back home and I was still angry while eating it; tears were running down my face…. My brother and sister were asking what happened to me, I said that hawker sold me a tiny pack of char kway kak (it was expensive compared to other hawkers; the quantity of char kway kak was tiny). My brother and sister also agreed that it was tiny but said I shouldn’t cry about it. They were right, but made me feel ashamed too. Since the time I was a kid, my tears didn’t listen to me. It was so easy for them to be drawn out by strong feelings of joy, anger, sorrow and happiness…

As char kway kak is my favorite food, why not make some for myself? We found two recipes for making the cake. The difference is one has daikon (white radish), but the other does not. I chose to have daikon…Steve helped me make the cake. It needed to cook, then steam, and then cool for at least six hours. So I fried it the next day and only then I realized it took time and a lot of work…. Ahh, some Chinese-Malaysian please open a restaurant here that serves Penang food!

Steve didn’t want to have my char kway kak. He lost – it is yummy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Mentality of people


Our area has a recycling center for people to put their recycling things in separate containers. It is set up neatly and clean! You don’t get money to recycle most things here, but you need to be responsible to bring them and follow the instructions. This is the mentality of people in the community!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tiredness & Laziness

Yesterday Tiredness came and knocked on our door

Looking for my husband

In fact Tiredness wanted bed for a while

Oh in this case

Not working

Today Laziness came and knocked on our door

Who are you looking for?

Why me?

Okay okay

Tomorrow, I will go to volunteer

So if Laziness comes again

I can answer proudly

I am busy

Monday, April 7, 2008

Flowers in Spring

雖然已是春季但天氣還是很冷,難得昨天陽光燦爛氣候較暖和一些,好久没去公園了,Steve 建議去botanical garden,我馬上讚成! 這裡有黃橙色的水仙花。鬱金香差不多要凋謝了!整棵樹没葉子只有白花、粉红花 - 這是木蘭。我們不曉得這是櫻花還是梅花?爪葉菊 - 紫色的花兒很漂亮、心形的葉子很可愛。這是一對野鴨但有點似鴛鴦,只羨鴛鴦不羨魚

Even though it’s Spring, the weather is still cool. Yesterday, we were glad that it was sunny and warm. Since we last went to the botanical garden a long time ago, Steve suggested we go again. I certainly agreed!

Here, they have yellow & orange daffodils. Tulips seem to want to fade soon! The trees just have either white or pink flowers – they are magnolias. We are not sure, are these weeping cherry or plum flowers? Cineraria – purple flowers are pretty and the heart shape leaves are cute. These are a pair of mallard ducks that look a little similar to mandarin ducks. Some single Chinese people who are looking for love admire a pair of mandarin ducks (a metaphor for a loving couple) more than fishes…