Sunday, December 14, 2008


Sense of smell, take in a deep breath, energy picks up

Sense of hearing, perk up the ears, searching for the direction

Sense of sight, focus on the object, appearance catches the eyes

Sense of touch, start to move, fingers and teeth acting

Sense of taste, chew up and swallow, sounds loud

Sense of feeling, flow over around, wow satisfaction

That was

When a burst of aroma, a burst of aroma came from the kitchen

嗅覺深吸住 抖擻精神

聽覺豎立起 尋覓方向

視覺眯瞄着 色色狼狼

觸覺提動啟 五爪張牙

味覺嚼溶掉 嘖嘖有聲

感覺疏流遍 哇塞满足


當厨房飄着一陣香 一陣香

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