Monday, February 6, 2012

Chile - Santiago

A friend asked me, how do I rate Easter Island? I replied, every country I visited is unique. 
One of my dreams is to see the world, so I like to go to visit as many cities as I can if possible. Steve likes to visit places that have something special, like UNESCO sites. 
When I said I want to see Santiago since we needed to transit there to Easter Island, he didn’t want to, and asked what there was to see in Santiago. However, because we booked the St. Louis – Santiago flight using frequent flier miles and the Santiago – Easter Island flight through an agent, so I planned to have 2 days 1 night in Santiago.
有位朋友問我,會給Easter Island怎麼打分?我回答說,每個國家都有其獨特。
當我知道必須在Santiago轉機到Easter Island,我說要旅遊SantiagoSteve不想要,他問Santiago有什麼可看。不過,我還是計劃了兩天一夜在Santiago,因為我們分別訂機票,St. Louis - Santiago是用飛行分數換票,Santigo – Easter Island是綱站代理購票。

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