Saturday, June 23, 2007


Six years ago, I attended a course regarding about Neuro-activation. I started listening to the CD from that course’s teacher every morning until today – Neuro-Activator. After I wake up and clean up, I pray and meditate for a little while. After that I lie down and listen to this CD. It is 25 minutes with positive content. The last sentence in the CD is, “this is the beginning of a new day!” I always edit it and talk to myself: This is the beginning of a great day!

I am still impressed by a part of his teaching. The meaning is about how our unconscious mind doesn’t care about the context of some words, like: not, cannot, don’t, wouldn’t, shouldn’t or never. Example, if you send messages to your unconscious mind or a blessing to others, don’t say, “…don’t worry”, “…wish no suffering”, “…wish don’t have pressure.” Don’t use negative words, because the unconscious mind isn’t able to differentiate; the listener would receive only the negative words. That will make you more negative. I remember from a few years ago, I saw or listened to an ad about a fat reduction center. Perhaps it made people become fatter! These centers couldn’t survive anymore…haha…nowadays I just hear about body slimming centers… What effective words! So, please remember to say positive words…

Wishing you happiness, wishing you peace!

23.6.07 4.59pm

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