Wednesday, June 7, 2017

Double four-leaf clover

呵呵呵…供養大家,見者有份 - 你很幸運(若你看到我的貼)!
I pulled some weeds around my little fruit tree, I saw one of them was a four-leaf clover. I wasn't sure whether it is clover or not, so I looked at others nearby. They are clover, but most of them have only three-leaves, but then I found another with four. Oh.. that means I have double luck!
Hohoho.. share the luck with you. You are lucky if you read and like my post!

"According to tradition, such clovers bring good luck: In addition, each leaf is believed to represent something: the first is for FAITH, the second is for HOPE, the third is for LOVE, and the fourth if for LUCK."
  1. 第一片葉子代表希望(hope)、第二片葉子表示信心(faith)、第三片葉子是愛情(love)、而多出來的第四片葉子則是幸運(luck)的象徵。這種說法與基督教的望德、信德和愛德思想相配。
  2. 第一片葉子代表真愛(love)、第二片葉子代表健康(health)、第三片葉子代表名譽(glory)、第四片葉子代表財富(riches)。"

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