Monday, June 23, 2014

Vipassana meditation

I have three friends who have attended Vipassana meditation retreats several times. This time was just the right timing, I signed up too when they told me. 
I am passive and grateful my friends invited me.  If not, I don't have motivation to do things mostly.

Their organisation is, and they have many centers all over the world. If you are a new student, you need to attend the 10 days silent retreat first.
We went to the center in Illinois, about a 5 hours drive from St. Louis. 

This center has dormitories where you have your own sleeping room, and two rooms share a bathroom.

I learned a meditation technique which is counting and observe breath 20 years ago, and have been practicing it, but I didn't feel improvement, and I don't know why. 
In this retreat, the first 4 days we learned Anapana (no counting, but just observe a small area of breathing point.) Days 5-10, we learned the methods to observe the sensations of body, and about five minutes of compassion meditation at the end.    
We can practice at home, one hour sitting meditation to settle and focus our mind by Anapana, then move to observe the sensations of body by Vipassana and compassion.

I found this stool is good for sitting meditation retreat.  With a cushion on it, the legs are bent at 90 degrees, which is good for sitting for long periods.

I thought to retain the clearness after getting back from the retreat. Even not writing for this, but once I went to internet and interacted with people, my mind went back again.
Ah, I am coming again!

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