Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Angel and Devil's private lives

Angel and Devil each have their own jobs; they are very busy. Nevertheless, there is no compatibility between Angel and Devil, always squarely opposed on an issue in an argument; both sides criticizing each other. If one of them knew the other has some small bad issues, surely they would make public the other party’s bad things to Souls who are in heaven and hell. Absolutely, all Souls knew that Angel and Devil often goof off, not focused on their jobs, but spend time pulling the scabs right off from each other. Sometimes Souls complain how Angel and Devil have high ranking jobs and salary, but they don’t service well the communities in heaven and hell. However, sometimes Souls like to hear these kinds of reports, so they will discuss, comment or gossip about these matters.

On the other side, in fact, Angel and Devil are stressed. Even though in their private lives, they are scared that the other party might explore something by hidden camera. That would be terrible. The reality is…

Every time before Angel has a shower; Angel needs to check all places in the bathroom to make sure there are no hidden cameras. After checking, then Angel feels safe to take off the fake wings which Angel actually got through several other Souls – a Soul bought it from another Soul, who bought it from a toy store. Angel is proud and looks in the mirror with a sinister smile, “who will know I am an Angel with no wings and can’t fly!”

Every time before Devil brushes his teeth; Devil needs to check all places in the bathroom to make sure there are no hidden cameras. After checking, then Devil feels safe to take off the fake fangs, which Devil actually got through several other Souls – a Soul bought it from another Soul, who bought it from a dentist. Devil is proud and looks in the mirror with a foolish smile, “who will know I am a Devil with no fangs and can’t suck blood!






Anonymous said...


eHeart said...

这是骗 '小孩' 的儿童故事啦,不要'认真'... ;-p

阿洛 said...

