Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Trees getting makeup

Spring slowly paints Trees with a brush


Light pink

Violet red

Light magenta

White also

Green, don’t hurry

Trees have been standing lonely for a season

Waiting to get makeup

Dressed up beautifully

Ready to greet the lovers

Friday, March 27, 2009

Life extension

In medical science, there are many cases when an organ is transplanted to a patient. However, there is a risk that the patient’s body might reject it and lose their life. Do you know that nowadays medical science is so advanced that they can take your cells and plant them on a ‘mould organ’ and grow it using machines for several weeks, then transplant the new organ to you once it is functional, and extend your life?

A few days ago, on a famous show called ‘Oprah’, they had a show with Dr. Oz talking about Extreme Life Extension. Dr. Oz talked about the latest high-tech breakthroughs in medical science. He interviewed the researchers at the organ transplant lab. He briefed the process of growing the organ to transplant. Dr. Oz also introduced a guest who lost part of his finger and couldn’t find the missing piece. He had used a powder developed by medical science and grew a new, functioning half finger. He said that finger was younger than the other fingers and the nail on that finger grows faster than his other fingernails.

Wow…isn’t it amazing? We know that lizards can re-grow a lost tail. People can also grow a lost part huh!

Let’s imagine, if the mystery of living forever wasn’t a mystery anymore…. Do you want to live forever? How would the world be if the population keeps growing more and more?


前幾天美國著名的Oprah節目與Dr. Oz訪談關於 Extreme Life Extension(我翻譯為: 廷續生命極限)。Dr. Oz介紹了近日高科技的醫學突破,他錄影到該培植器官醫所及他大略講讲解醫務如何進行培植器官。Dr. Oz也介紹一位嘉賓的一根手指,他的手指因故段了半截,但找不回段截駁接回他的手指,他用了醫學研發的粉狀物,成功生長出活動自如新的另半截手指,他說這手指比其它手指年輕,而且這手指甲長得比其它的指甲快長。



Thursday, March 19, 2009

Just do it

It is easy to say, “Just do it!” However, we need to do the right thing. But sometimes, even though you think you are doing the right thing, some people might disagree or discourage or suspect you. That might trigger your emotion and thought. Let’s take one of my experiences:

I used to go hiking short distances; it was one of my activities in Penang on weekends. Sometimes, if I saw a plastic bag on the trail side, I would pick it up and it became a trash bag. As I was walking down the hill, I would pick up others trash along the trail. Usually I had about two or three trash bags with me by the time I reached a trash bin at the grounds area. Once, I saw some rubbish along the trail side close to a rest hut. I was picking it up as a group of people going down the trail passed by. One guy said to me in Hokkien, “You are from MPPP (short form of Penang City Council, but here people are kidding that you are a street cleaner) huh.” I sensed his teasing and I felt a little unhappy, so I didn’t respond to him. One of them said to him, “Don’t say things like that to people.” They left and I continued to pick up rubbish. It was just two or three minutes later, when a lady was going up the trail. She passed by me, and said to me in English, “You are great.” I was smiling in response to her. She was going, and I was continuing to pick up rubbish. As I was going down, if I saw rubbish along the trail I picked it up too. Someone saw I was holding the bags and picking up rubbish and asked me, “What do you do with the trash?” I responded, “Put it in the bin at the grounds area.”

I simply just did a thing, but I heard many voices…. And my emotions and responses changed.


我曾在檳城某處的短程爬山,那時是列常的休閒活動之一,我下山時若看到有膠袋棄丟在山路旁,我就拾那膠袋把它當垃圾袋,一路回程就拾起路旁的垃圾,到山腳下的垃圾桶時,我手提著的已是兩、三個裝滿垃圾的袋。有一次,在靠近山路途的一休息站附近有不少的垃圾,我在拾起著,一群人走過要下山去,一位男性用福建話對着我說,你是MPPP(檳城市政局簡稱,但這里是取笑你為清潔工人)的人啊。我感受到他的揶揄,我有點不高興也不去理會回應他,他身邊的另一人說他,不要這麼說人啦。他們繼續走了,我繼續拾垃圾。就過了两、三分鐘,有一位女性走上山來了,經過看到我,用英語對着我說,“You are great(你很棒)!我微笑回應她。她繼續走了,我繼續拾垃圾。然後我一路走下山看到垃圾就拾,有一人看到我手提垃圾袋拾拉圾,問我說,你將垃圾拿去那里?我回應說,丟進山腳下的垃圾桶。


Monday, March 9, 2009

Medical insurance

A few days ago, I took a little roll of bread Steve made from the freezer. I thought to cut it into three slices and bake it for my breakfast. The bread was frozen and hard. I managed to slice it once, and while my right hand was holding the knife trying to cut the second slice, the bread skipped out of the way, but the knife cut into my left forefinger. So, it was bleeding fast. I called Steve, he came back home to take me to the ER at the hospital. I was kidding and blamed Steve for making such a hard kind of bread when the registration staff asked the cause of my injury! The wound was not long but a little deep, so the doctor gave me four stitches. He did it in less than half an hour, but we were waiting there quite long. We arrived there about 10.50am and it was 1.50pm when we finally got out.

I wondered why we had to go to the hospital ER even just a little injury? If in Malaysia, we would go to a clinic. Here, the medical procedure is a little different. We need to have an appointment with the doctor. As we have medical insurance, we pay US$10 for every doctor visit, but US$50 to go to a hospital ER.

In the USA, the fees are expensive for people who don’t have medical insurance. How expensive? I don’t know. I knew a Taiwanese person who went back to Taiwan to seek medical help, as she doesn’t have medical insurance…

I wish all of us are healthy always!





Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Angel and Devil's private lives

Angel and Devil each have their own jobs; they are very busy. Nevertheless, there is no compatibility between Angel and Devil, always squarely opposed on an issue in an argument; both sides criticizing each other. If one of them knew the other has some small bad issues, surely they would make public the other party’s bad things to Souls who are in heaven and hell. Absolutely, all Souls knew that Angel and Devil often goof off, not focused on their jobs, but spend time pulling the scabs right off from each other. Sometimes Souls complain how Angel and Devil have high ranking jobs and salary, but they don’t service well the communities in heaven and hell. However, sometimes Souls like to hear these kinds of reports, so they will discuss, comment or gossip about these matters.

On the other side, in fact, Angel and Devil are stressed. Even though in their private lives, they are scared that the other party might explore something by hidden camera. That would be terrible. The reality is…

Every time before Angel has a shower; Angel needs to check all places in the bathroom to make sure there are no hidden cameras. After checking, then Angel feels safe to take off the fake wings which Angel actually got through several other Souls – a Soul bought it from another Soul, who bought it from a toy store. Angel is proud and looks in the mirror with a sinister smile, “who will know I am an Angel with no wings and can’t fly!”

Every time before Devil brushes his teeth; Devil needs to check all places in the bathroom to make sure there are no hidden cameras. After checking, then Devil feels safe to take off the fake fangs, which Devil actually got through several other Souls – a Soul bought it from another Soul, who bought it from a dentist. Devil is proud and looks in the mirror with a foolish smile, “who will know I am a Devil with no fangs and can’t suck blood!




