Thursday, April 30, 2015

Pray for Nepal

那天我們一行六人一抵達 Kathmandu,機場内有高官顯要、音樂、傳統舞迎迓我們及其他旅客,讓我們受寵若驚。原來這麼巧合,那天政府正好有一項促進旅遊節目,送我們見面禮及請柬。
A few days ago I was discussing with Steve about visiting Bhutan, and also stopping in Nepal and India. The next day, we heard the news - the earthquake in Nepal.
It brought to mind my memories of backpacking with friends in Nepal in 2002. When the six of us arrived in Kathmandu that day, all the travellers were greeted by an organization with music and traditional dance. We were flattered. Such a coincidence, the government had a tourism program, and we got a gift and an invitation card.

We stayed in a hotel in the city. A friend read the invitation card and noticed there was a dinner in the city that day.
We asked the hotel staff and found the place was nearby, so we walked to it.

We were treated like VIPs, greeted with garlands, and tradition Nepalese hospitality.

Everyone sat on the carpet for dinner, and banana leaves were the dishes. They served the foods one-by-one. Everyone eating using their hands.

And their homemade wine was a very special experience!


It was my birthday when we were in Nepal - 17 days. My friends bought me a cake for celebration, I was really touched.

Nepal is beautiful and the people are friendly, I hope they recover soon.
Pray for Nepal and everyone.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing your story. I have always been interested in other countries and cultures. I think it's from traveling in my younger years and seeing how people live and survive. I remember reading about your trip and seeing your pictures. I can see how you would be touched by their hospitality and saddened by their tragedy. You are a very caring person referring to the riots in St. Louis, and I know you would be in Nepal helping if you could! I hope the whole world is praying for the people of Nepal.


Anonymous said...

其实地震发生后我和黄金莲Kim Lean Wong才讲起这事儿,想起那年尼泊尔人给我们的美好回忆。山上小孩纯真无邪的笑脸,耐心陪伴我们几个龟速走山客的善良porters and guide.老天真何忍心。。

Siew Chneh

eHeart said...

Joan,I am glad you interested reading my stories.

