Friday, December 28, 2012

Realistic gifts

I'm not good buying gifts for people, including for my hubby, because I am not sure if the receiver will like the gift or not? 
I am realistic, I frankly told my hubby not to buy flowers and gifts for any special days after the first year we were married. If it is a gift, then it should be a 'red packet' (it is a monetary gift, given in a red envelope, common in Chinese). I am not of a monetary mind. In fact, I have debit and credit cards I can use to buy flowers, food or things whenever I like. Nevertheless, I don't simply spend money. Thus, my birthday, our anniversary, Chinese New packet. This is a realistic gift for me. 

We also have a common gift to share for ourselves, that is vacations.

我是比較實際,所以結婚第二年後,我坦誠和丈夫說不用在佳節買花及禮物,要給禮物就給紅包。我不是貪要錢,其實他有給我debit cardcredit card,我都可很隨意可隨時想要買花或要買吃、用的東西,但不會亂花錢。所以我的生日、結婚紀念日、華人新年...都是紅包,對我是最實際的禮物。


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