Sunday, November 27, 2016

Thanksgiving and Pompeii exhibition in Kansas City

Relaxing at Steve's sister's place during the Thanksgiving holiday.  These two fluffy Samoyeds were visiting while their humans were away for a few days.

Of course, Luna, one of Sue's dogs, can't stand when the other dogs are getting all the attention, so she had to join in.

Part of the Thanksgiving feast!

Relaxing after dinner. 

Before heading home on Friday, we went downtown to Union Station to see an exhibition of artifacts from Pompeii.  

Union Station was the old train station in Kansas City, and was built back in the days before air travel, when cities tried to show off their prosperity to visitors by building the biggest and most beautiful train station.

Like many of the old train stations, Union Station is no longer used for train traffic, but has been restored and remodeled into a shopping and entertainment center.  At one end of what was originally the grand hall, where people would wait for their trains, Christmas decorations have been set up, including a small train for kids to ride.

In the entertainment section of the station, the Pompeii exhibition recently opened, featuring artifacts and pictures from the city, buried in 79 C.E . by Mt. Vesuvius.

From the pictures & videos on display, it looks like much of this beautiful city has been uncovered and partially restored.

These are some of the small statues recovered from the city after almost 2,000 years.  They are in amazing condition, and are beautifully detailed.

Many home decorations from the city were on display.  Houses of the wealthy were adorned with beautiful wall murals and floor mosaics.

A water basin and statue from a home's courtyard.

Some of the recovered glassware & pottery, still in usable condition. 

These are a few of the theater masks.

A statue of the Roman emperor, Caligula, found in the city.

Near the end of the exhibit were some of the more gruesome displays.  Cavities formed in the layers of ash and dust where people were buried by the volcano.  During excavation, when archaeologists found these cavities, they filled them with plaster to make castings left by the bodies.  Some of these cavities were so detailed that folds in the person's clothes can be seen in the castings. 

It was a terrible end for the city's inhabitants.

Humans weren't the only ones killed in the eruption.  Pets and farm animals were also found.

Can you guess what kind of building this is?

This is the outside of the parking garage for the public library in downtown Kansas City, MO.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Global warming

"Humans keep saying 'global warming'. Global warming? Why don't they praise me as a great Ice Sculpture Artist? Please look at these; look at my surreal works!"

Ocean talks naively to Earth. 

Monday, November 14, 2016


冰島最著名的羊肉熱狗,前美國總統克林頓也曾吃過。這麼著名啊?那即便要排長隊我也來排。到我了,小檔的窗口,我見到的是一位臉很臭的年輕男職員,我說我要一個熱狗,他問我要什麼 topping (配醬料),我笑臉問有那些?他還是同樣的臉告訴我,有 onion、mustard、ketchup。。 真想問有沒有 'smile'?我吃着沒有微笑配料的著名熱狗,不覺得有多好味。

過後我們來到著名的龍蝦湯 Saegreifinn 小食店,店内只有两個客人在吃着,不用排隊,一位年輕笑臉的女職員(老板?)。我要了一碗龍蝦湯,付了錢,要我們先坐。很快,湯來了,麵包是湯的配食。我要說的重點是籃内有多一支湯匙(因為有两個人),很貼心,為客人設想。我吃到是很暖很满足的著名龍蝦湯。

我記得有一次在台灣花蓮的夜市,有一檔口的啦叭,傳出粗口氣的女聲,對着排長隊的人說要等一小時半。。 惡劣聲污染!我想就算再著名的食物,也不會有任何素質!

我也記得有一次在 Peru,Aguas Calientes 的 Indio Feliz 餐館晚餐,看了菜單,覺得套餐很不錯,跟招待員說我們两人要共享一套晚餐。來的餐給我們各自一蝶,我們以為他弄錯,跟他說我們只訂一套,他很親切的說是一套,分成,方便我們食用。食物的味道我已忘得乾乾淨淨,可是温馨的氣質永留在心。

Thursday, November 10, 2016

美國總統 II

還有他用的策略與一般的政治者相違,他敢抨擊非法移民的墨西哥人,恐怖的極端回教徒,經濟企業流失的問題.. 敢講一些人們怨恨的心中話。很多白人還是會有種族、非基督教的輕視,他們保守的想法也可能是要一位 white man 當總統。這種種複雜情況下,就正中下懷?

Sunday, November 6, 2016


在我認識的人中有些很支持共和黨的,所以不管是誰競選,他們都支持。可是也有些不是,但我不知什麼原因却讓他們支持 Trump?
我問了一位朋友對這两位人物競選總统的看法,但他却反問回我。Oh well,那我只好講講我各人的一點淺見: 
我覺得從 Trump 攻擊批判的言論,不尊重人,不會顧及世界和平等等。我知道美國有幾位很富有的人都低調捐錢造福社會,但我不知道他有做過什麼無條件的善舉,他的捐献好像一定是要令他更有名望利益他才會出錢的?他是不是很自大,野心權力是不是他的目的?而且他在商已是一位很奸的人,所以我不認為這樣的人會是美國的好領袖。

Saturday, November 5, 2016


非常高興及感謝Daneil的慷慨租塲地給我們一群在美國St. Louis的馬來西石亞人及新加坡potluck聚會。
我做了這個糕,不知道叫'ha mi wau kueh'?
上網找了一下,檳城有一著名的街檔有賣各類的煎糕,布條上有圖有名稱,原來我在檳城時看到都會買這些我喜歡吃的包括這個糕,原來它叫 Pinggan Kacang 花生傘。奇怪Pinggan應該是盤碗,但中文的名却用傘。
I made this but I don't know what it's called. 
I searched Penang hawker food, and it mentioned "Pinggan Kacang".
In the beginning I made two of them that still looked like pinggan (bowl), but at the end they do not look like pinggan (bowl shape) any more, and I don't want to put kacang (peanut), since some people might be allergic to it. So they are not really Pinggan Kacang. 

真的是'ha mi wau kueh'(福建話)。

We appreciate all the effort Daniel puts into arranging these potluck gatherings to bring together all the Malaysians and Singaporeans in the region.
